Here's your chance to silence one or more of the wolves. Your one shot can be angsty, ironic, happy or humorous, the only requirement is there be some wolf's (wolves') blood spilled. It doesn't matter if they're in wolf or human form at the time of their death, just make sure it's a member of the pack.
Rules and Guidelines:
The contest will be anonymous.
Entries can be canon, AU, AH or any genre of your choosing. Entries must be M-rated, that means all authors must be adults.
Entries must feature the death. Fair game for killing are the members of the wolf pack and their imprinted mates that includes Nessie and Emily, but not Bella.
No rape or incest. You can have a justifiable killing without those elements.
Length of the entry must be between 2,000 and 15,000 words.
Collaborations are accepted. Limit of two entries per author or collaboration group.
Entries must be new material, stand alone as one shots, and may not be expanded until the winners have been announced.
Entries must fulfil the basic grammar qualifications, so use a beta.
Email your contest entry to
All identification information will be removed and the story will be posted under the contest profile.
There will be an open voting and a separate judges selection.
Submissions open: Thursday April 1st 2010
Submissions close: Friday May 21st 2010
Voting starts: Monday May 24th 2010
Voting ends: Monday June 21st 2010
The results will be announced on: Thursday June 24th 2010
Open Voting 1st place - $25 gift certificate to movie theater of your choice to see Eclipse or whatever tickles your fancy, plush wolf toy.
2nd place - $15 gift certificate to movie theater.
3rd place - $10 gift certificate.
Judges' choice - $25 gift certificate, wolf toy.
And banners. There'll be banners for the winners.
Nolebucgrl, Word Ninja, AG0418, Frenchbeanz, InfinityPoet.
Contest Header:
Silence of the Wolves Contest
Author's homepage:
Main Players:
To see other Contest entries, please visit the Contest's FanFiction page:
Questions: Please PM rameau or email all your questions to